Designer Spotlight Series: Collective Charrissesin
Nathan Charrissesin dives into his experience working with reclaimed wood in the retail market industry
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collective charrissesin
Nathan Charrissesin
We sat down with Collective Charrissesin founder, Nathan Charrissesin, to learn more about his experience working with Anthology Woods’ reclaimed wood paneling for his retail market and hospitality designs.
Nathan has nearly 30 years of practical experience in the design field, and specializes in visual communication and product merchandising for the markets and retail locations he designs. He utilizes consumer behavior and psychology to inform his thoughtful, human-centered designs to truly engage with the local clientele.
Nathan worked with Anthology Woods to design a retail market space for Northgate Market, integrating a variety of our reclaimed wood products into various locations throughout the design as feature walls and signage. He used layering, texture and color creatively to breathe life and personality into the walls of the store.
Read on to learn more about his thoughts on reclaimed wood, retail design and more!
What types of projects does Collective Charrissesin specialize in?
We specialize in Grocery stores, Markets, Supermarkets, Food Halls, QSRs and hybrids.
What are some of your favorite products from Anthology Woods and why?
Rustic Frontier Blend is our favorite followed by the Surfrider Redwood Cladding. The wood cladding brings so much character and warmth to our project.
What was your favorite project using Anthology Woods products and why?
Northgate Gonzalez Market - this is a brand that is inspired by the Rancho Gonzales and their equestrian cultura, and the richness of the wood brings it to life inside the departments.
How important is the reclaimed and/or sustainable aspect of wood products for you and your clients?
Very important.
What are some design trends you see with wood flooring and paneling
A re-invented parquet for both flooring and panelling.
Do you have any tips for designing with reclaimed wood flooring and paneling?
For me, with such an amazing product, the installer blending is key to make it even more beautiful.
Where can people go to find out more about your design services at Collective Charrissesin?
Our website www. and social media @charrissesin.
Is there anything else you'd like to include about your experience working with Anthology Woods?
I always praise Anthology for CONSISTENCY and RELIABILITY.
Thank you Nathan for sharing your experience working with Anthology Woods and integrating reclaimed wood into your engaging retail market designs. If you are a designer looking to integrate reclaimed and sustainable wood into your commercial or residential design, reach out to our friendly team of experts for full project support. We are happy to help!